3 Keys to Being More:


The Field© and The Stage Page© have been used successfully for over 35 years in business, academia, art, medicine and the military. In recent years these tools have been used in the therapy office with equal success.


The Field of Creativity™The Field is a model and a process to discover more of who we are and who we could be, to enhance or mend our important relationships, to improve our work experience, to create a richer, more satisfying life. Visit The Field page

The Stage Page™ • This fun and enlightening tool identifies how our Field of Creativity influences the way we play our various roles. Stage Page 1 maps what we bring to a particular role - which aspects of our personalities, which talents, skills, and behaviors. Stage Page 2 reveals how a shift in our Field can liberate us to play that role with more verve, authenticity and joy.


The Stage Page also examines what the audience (those with whom we interact) sees and hears. How the audience experiences our performance and how we think we perform a role can be different, sometimes dramatically so. The Stage Page reveals how we can adjust our performance so the audience receives the message we intend to send.


The Compelling Connection™ • This tool shines an "ah ha!" spotlight on our important relationships. We see anew and appreciate the "glue" of the relationship, what makes it worthwhile when things are "smooth". We also see how we react when things get "bumpy". From this awareness, we can strengthen the useful patterns in our connection as well as use techniques to break out of patterns that limit us.


“As a coach, I have found that the Stage Page model provides my clients with another way of thinking about their style, their personality, and how they want to ‘show up’ in a given situation. It also helps them explore their strengths and their opportunities over the long term. Like the Johari Window, it provides a great foundation for exploring feedback, what clients know about themselves, what they show to others, and what they keep hidden. It’s also a great tool for diagnosing relationships, what we hope to achieve, and how to get there using a blend of our strengths.

“The model is simple and visual, and it enriches our coaching conversations.”


Tom Epperson
Training and Development Manager

Luck Stone Corporation