Create Healthy Relationships:
Apply and Teach a New, Effective Tool


What Clients (people who receive coaching or therapy) Get and Say


The Stage Page helps clients:

  • Reframe how they see themselves and others
  • Organize and leverage past therapy
  • Gain insight into inner conflict
  • Prepare for specific situations
  • Link their history to current behavior
  • Retain insights and learning
  • Work in a concrete way between therapy sessions


Clients remark (each comment was chosen because so many clients made the same remark in nearly identical words):


“The Stage Page has changed my life. It’s this concrete way of seeing myself.”


“Stage Page 2 will change the way I deal with people completely.”


“This kind of work that we’re doing – the concrete tools have been so helpful and have taken me beyond where any of the past therapies have taken me.”


“I’m more aware. I have so many examples where my knee jerk reaction gets corrected by the more conscious approach of Stage Page 2. I’m going from one Personal Philosophy to another.”


“I feel good, energized. Stage Page 2 is a framework that I can take out and apply.”


“Sometimes in the other way of doing therapy I’d know you had said something that was really helpful but I’d forget it or lose it. With these tools, what we’ve talked about is in a concrete, organized way that I can see and refer to.” 


“This way of organizing my thinking will affect all my relationships!”


“His Stage Page helped me to understand his inner battle. I had thought it was all about me. We both find this so helpful. We can use this to help each other grow rather than fight.”


“I knew this all along, but to see this so concretely is life changing.”





Click items below for more information:


Therapists’ Program


What You Get


What Our Clients Say


Schedule and Methods




CEs and Certificates


Tools to Use with
Individuals and Couples